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Centre for Social Action

Besides academics, the institution promotes and makes available myriad resources and opportunities to ensure that its students emerge as morally upright citizens who are socially connected to the needs of the poor. True to this, CSA has adopted two panchayats under which there are many small villages. Drawing inspiration from the vision of the institution, it provides a platform for students in their character formation and helps to explore and develop the art of critical thinking, leadership skills and interventions aimed to build a just society. The centre forms and conscientizes young students to reach out to the deprived and vulnerable sections of the society by empowering them through skill enhancement and training. CSA also aims at helping other students to be sensitive to the poor by showing concern and compassion. The various activities carried out by CSA are health awareness programmes, classes for Govt. school children, exam preparation classes for 10th Std Kannada medium students, health camp, collecting and distributing essential things to the orphan children and the needy, etc.


  • To give students the opportunity to be exposed to rural communities and learn the challenges the communities face.
  • To inspire, motivate, and educate students so that they take something from the experience of rural outreach programmes and pursue their goals with an open mind
  • To empower students to reach out to the deprived and vulnerable sections of the society specially to the villages adopted by the institution

Coordinator: Dr. Shailaja M. – 95914 19009

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