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Investiture Ceremony

The Investiture Ceremony for the academic year 2021-22 was held on 8 December 2021 at ST PAULS auditorium. The ceremony began with the invocation song followed by lighting of the lamp by Fr (Dr) Thomas MJ, Principal, Ms. Dalvy Jose, Faculty coordinator of the Student Council, and representatives from the Student Council.

Abiya Babu, III BA (President), Rohith Aradhya, III BA (Vice President), Navyashree N, III BCOM (Cultural Secretary), Sujith Raj, III BBA (Cultural Secretary), Antony Edwin, III BBA (Sports Secretary), Preethi P, III BBA (Sports Secretary) were congratulated and conferred with sashes and badges by the Principal. The office-bearers took the pledge in front of the assembly.


08 Dec 2021


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