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MOU Programme for Academic Collaboration – Orientation on Research and Publication

St Pauls College in collaboration with St. Francis De Sales College, Bangalore organized a virtual Guest Lecture on, “Orientation on Research and Publication”, on 20th May, 2021. Rev Fr Dr Sajith Cyriac, Vice Principal, SPC & Prof. Mamatha K, Asst Prof, SFS college, Bengaluru, discussed about the importance of research and made the students understand the exact concept of research.

Rev Fr Dr Sajith Cyriac explained the entire steps involved in the process of research, the steps involved in choosing a problem and deciding a research design. He also threw light on the various tools involved in data collection.
Prof Mamatha, enlightened the students to take up research seriously and mentioned how research plays an integral role in our education. The students were given vast knowledge in the aspect of research by carrying out the various methodology in research and its relevance to day to day activity.

The session was concluded with question and answer segment, wherein the students interacted actively with the resource person about their opinions and questions about research. *4 students from both the colleges were benefited from this session.


20 May 2021


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