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National Seminar – Identification of Abusive Relationships and Prevention of Domestic Violence

ST PAULS COLLEGE, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, in collaboration with the IQAC and Women’s Empowerment Cell hosted a two-day National Seminar on ‘Identification of Abusive Relationships and Prevention of Domestic Violence’ on 8 & 9 March 2022. The event was sponsored by the National Commission for Women (NCW), Government of India.

The Seminar was inaugurated by Ms Donna Fernandes, Social Activist & Founder of Vimochana, and Ms Tara Krishnaswamy, Founder of Shakti, Fr (Dr) Thomas M J, Principal, and Fr (Dr) Sajith Cyriac, Vice-Principal of ST PAULS COLLEGE. A few other dignitaries, activists, and representatives from various NGOs and civil society graced the occasion.

The two-day seminar had four plenary sessions and three technical sessions which witnessed quite many resource persons and paper presenters. The chief guest of the valedictory function was Fr (Dr) Joseph, Chairman of the College and the concluding remarks were given by Fr (Dr) Thomas, Principal.The national seminar was successful as it paved the way for fruitful sharing of knowledge and proposed bold and decisive steps in preventing and controlling the violence against women.


08 - 09 Mar 2022


All Day

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