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Buddha Study Center

Buddhism ranks as one of the greatest peace-loving religions not only in Asia but all over the world. It insists upon values of knowledge and evil of ignorance. Buddhism enjoys the glory of having rightly judged the intrinsic greatness of man’s capacity to work out his salvation, thus stressing the power of the individual to pursue excellence. Buddha Study Centre at ST PAULS aims to instil the core values of Buddhism like one’s concern for the welfare of man to eliminate human suffering and misery and to lead the society towards integrity and dignity of existence.


Ms. Elizabath
85240 77519

Ms Lincy
97387 10164


  • To introduce to students the traditional mantras of Buddhism which encapsulates the meaning of non-violence, forgiveness and good actions.
  • To help students understand and assimilate the journey of Buddha in his enlightenment.
  • To help students in developing value-based lifestyles of Buddhism.
  • To assist students in de-addiction techniques and help them focus on the path of righteousness.
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