- Inculcate a healthy reading habit in students
- Facilitate opinion formation
- Strengthen lucidity in expressing thoughts
- Achieve mastery over the English language
Eloquence - the literary club at ST PAULS COLLEGE, is a vibrant microcosm of all things literary. The club is at the forefront of developing a culture of articulateness through oration and inscription. Eloquence encourages the use and mastery of the English language among students through its various activities and functions like workshops and guest lectures, book discussions, poetry slams and open mic, literary week, library festival, literary event coordination and forums and panel discussions.
Coordinator: Ms. Saranya Francis – 8050009999
ST PAULS COLLEGE, Bengaluru is one of the educational undertakings of the Society of St Paul, an international Catholic institution founded by Blessed James Alberione in Alba, Italy on 20 August 1914, and is currently present in 32 countries across the globe. It is affiliated to Bangalore University and is recognized by the government of Karnataka. The college is located at Nagasandra near Peenya Industrial Area, Bengaluru and is easily accessible by road and Namma Metro services.
St Pauls Campus, Nagasandra, Bengaluru, 560 073
Front Desk: +91 (80) 6603 0200
Admission Desk :
+91 (80) 6603 0204/206,
+91 974 141 3066
© 2025 St. Pauls College. All Rights Reserved.
Name of the faculty : Savithri C
Qualification : M.A.,M.Ed, M.Phil.,( Ph.D)
Designation : Assistant Professor
Years of Experience : 10 years
Area of Specialization : Folklore
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350953
Sl.No. | Details of Membership | State/ National/ International |
01 02 03 | Life Member – Kannada Sahitya Parishath Life member – Indian Red Cross Society Life member – B.M.Sri Prathistana | State Karnataka State Branch State |
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
01 | Pracheen Bharathada shikshana vyavsthe : Ondu Avalokana | State | 2023 | 978-93-5786-326-1 |
02 | Akkana Vachanagalalli Shivana Swarupa | National | 2023 | 9 788195215041 00 |
03 | Masthiyavara Kathegalalli Sthri Paatra | National | 2023 | 978-81-955923-1-9 |
04 | Kannada Naataka Beledu Banda Daari Mattu Rangabhumi | State | 2022 | 9 789391 775124 |
05 | Dr. Da. Raa.Beendre Mattu Naataka(Saayo aata) | National | 2019 | 9 788193 841587 |
06 | Janapada Kathegalu Mattu Varthamana | National | 2018 | 978-81-939379-6-9 |
Journal Publications:
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/ | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
01 | Dalitha Samudayada Uddhaaraka : Babu Jagajeevan Ram | Aruhu Kuruhu | UGC | Jan-2023 | 2347-5048 Volume – 13 |
02 | Kuvempu Kavithegalalli Saamaajika Pragne | Au Kuruhu | UGC | June – 2022 | 2347-5048 Volume – 12 |
03 | Basavanna Mattu Saamaajika Badalaavane
| AEIJMR Multi Language NationL Conference | Non-UGC | October – 2019 | 2348 – 6724 Special Issue
04 | Jaanapada Kathegalu | Janapada Saahitya Mattu Verthamaana | Non-UGC | August – 2021 | 978-93-5493-463-6 Volume – 1 |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) | |
1 | 23-02-2023 | Dr. Babu Jagajeevanram Chinthanegalu | Webinar | Bangalore University & Dr. Babu Jagajeevanram Study & Research Centre, Bangalore | National level | |
2 | 25-12-2022 | Reva University, Bangalore | Seminar | Vachana Sahityada Vividha Nelegalu
| National Level | |
3 | 29-06-2022 | Siddamangala Seva Kendra, Bangalore | Webinar | Jnanada Belaku : Alakshitha Vachanakaarara Vachanagala Vishleshane | International) | |
04 | 30-04-2022 | Siddamangala Seva Kendra, Bangalore | Webinar | Vachanagala Maruchinthane | International | |
05 | 29-08-2021 | Bengalore Amitra Kalaa Mattu Vignaana College, Bangalore | Webinar | Moukika Sahitya – Janapada Maadhurya | International | |
06 | 13-07-2020 | Soundraya Institute Of Management And Science, Bangalore | Webinar | Aadhunika Kathan Saahitya : Avalokana | International | |
07 | 27-06-2021 | Soundraya Institute Of Management And Science, Bangalore | Webinar | Vachana Saahitya : Vaignaanika Nelegalu | International | |
08 | 25,26-06-2021 | St Pauls College, Bangalore | Multidisciplinary Coference | The Impact of Conflict on the Humanities | International | |
09 | 15-06-2021 | Soundraya Institute Of Management And Science, Bangalore | Webinar | Basava Mattu Ambedkar : Ananyateya Nelegalu | International | |
10 | 26-05-2021 | Seshadripuram Evening College, Bangalore | Webinar | Kannada Chinthana Male -1 : Sharana Sahitya Maruchinthane | International | |
11 | 22-05-2021 | Soundraya Institute Of Management And Science, Bangalore | Webinar | Basava Thatva – Jaina Thatva : Anusandaana | International | |
12 | 14-05-2021 | Soundraya Institute Of Management And Science, Bangalore | Webinar | Basava Mattu Paigamber : Thatvagala Avalokana | International | |
13 | 16-01-2021 | K.S.S Padavi Kaleju, Bengalore | Webinar | Vachana Sahitya : Samajika Javabdharigalu | International | |
14 | 26-12-2020 | Karnataka Samskrit University, Bangalore | Webinar | Sams krithika Sahitya & Vachana Sahitya Sahitya : A Comparative View | International | |
15 | 29, 30-08-2020 | Department of Kannada, Madras University | Webinar | Pro.RVS Sundaram Life And Works | International | |
16 | 28-11-2020 | Malleswaram Ladies Association | Webinar | Vachana Sahitya Meemamse | International | |
17 | 07-09-2020 | Indian Akadamy | Webinar | Samakaakeena Sahitya : Avalokan | International | |
18 | 09-08-2020 | Siddamangala Seva Kendra, Bangalore | Webinar | Vachanaakaararu Mattu Kanakadaasaru : Thatvika Anusandhana | International | |
19 | 30-07-2020 | Siddamangala Seva Kendra, Bangalore | Webinar | Vachana Saahitya : Bayalolagana Rupu | International | |
20 | 30-07-2020 | Soundraya Institute Of Management And Science, Bangalore | Webinar | Madyakaaleena Kannada Saahityadalli Saamskruthika Sangharshagalu Mattu Varthamaanada Grahikegalu | International | |
21 | 18-07-2020 | Siddamangala Seva Kendra, Bangalore | Webinar | Multidisciplinary Research Methodology – Artifiicial Intelligence | International | |
22 | 14-07-2020 | Seshadripuram Evening College, Bangalore | Webinar | Essence Of Religious Education To Conserve Environment | International | |
23 | 09-07-2020 | Seshadripuram Evening College, Bangalore | Webinar | Relevence Of Gandian Environmentalism | International | |
24 | 30-05-2020 | Siddamangala Seva Kendra, Bangalore | Webinar | Kaaya – Kaayaka Thatvada Sammilana | International | |
| ||||||
NATONAL | ||||||
01 | 25-06-22 | St Francis College, Bangalore | Webinar | Hosagannada Kaavyada Ashayada Nelegalu | National | |
02 | 08,09 – 03-2022 | St Pauls College, Bangalore | Webinar | Identification of Abusive Relationship and Prevention of Domestic Violence | National | |
03 | 22-03-2022 | Department of Kannada, Madras University, Channai | Webinar | Kannada Mahilaa Saahitya | National | |
04 | 28-06-2021 | P.E.S Vijnaana, Kala Mattu Vaanijya College | Webinar | Sarvajnana Vachanagalalli Maanaveeyatheya Neleghalu | National | |
05 | 21-05- 2021 | St Francis D Sales College | Webinar | Janapada Sahitya Mattu Mahile | National | |
06 | 16-04-2021 | Soundrya Institute of Management And Science | Webinar | Ambedkar Chinthane : Saamajika Haagu Samskruthika Moulyagalu | National | |
06 | Jan-2021 | Shri K Puttaswami Prathama Darje College, Mysore | Webinar | Paschathya Parampareyalli Guru –Shishyara Sambandha | National | |
07 | 13-12-2020 | Bhandaaya Sahitya Sanghatane, Belagavi | Webinar | Kannada Sahityadalli Prathirodhada Nelegalu | National | |
08 | 29-10-2020 | Baraguru Mestru Shishyara Balaga, | Webinar | Namma Mestru Namma Hemme | National | |
09 | 18-09-2020 | Bhandaaya Sahitya Sanghatane, Bangalore | Webinar | Janapada Sahitya Mattu Samajika Samvedhane | National | |
10 | 25-08-2020 | Loyola Padavi College | Webinar | Gadhayudha Mattu Jaimini Bharatha Kavyadalli Yudhada Parikalpane | National | |
11 | 04-08-2020 | M.L.A Prathama Darje Mahila College | Webinar | Shivaramakaranthara Kruthigalalli Talasamudaayada Chitrana | National | |
12 | 03-08-2020 | NSS, Bangalore University | Webinar | Protection Of Women Rights During Pandamic | National | |
13 | 18-07-2020 | Nitte School of Fashion Technology and Interior Design College | Webinar | Kannada Sahityadalli Hasya : Ondu Avalokana | National | |
14 | 09-07-2020 | Shri Kuvempu First Grade College , Channapattana | Webinar | Maukhika Samkathanagalu | National | |
15 | 08-07-2020 | Shri Kuvempu First Grade College , Channapattana | Webinar | Kuvempu Vaicharikatheya Vibhinna Vinyaasagalu | National | |
16 | 03-07-2020 | Jnana Jyothi Padavi College, Bangalore | Webinar | Vachana Sahitya : Soundaryaathmaka Sambandhagalu | National | |
17 | 30-06-2020 | All India Researcher’s Association , Mysore | Webinar | The Impact of Pandemic Covid-19 Present 7& Future By Covid-19 Multidisciplinary Perspectives | National | |
18 | 13-06-2020 | Jnana Jyothi Padavi College, Bangalore | Webinar | Kannadfa Sahitya Sthaliyate Mattu Vishva Pragne | National | |
19 | 01-06-2020 | St Claret College | Webinar | Mahila Sahitya Mattu Verthamaana | National | |
| 23-05-2020 | Dr. N.S.A.M First Grade College | Webinar | Unnatha Shikshanadalli Kannada Bhaashe Mattu Saahitya | National | |
21 | 15-05-2020 | Siddamangala Sevaa Kendra Mattu Kannada Yuvajana Sangha, Bangalore | Webinar | Jagadagala Mantapa Samshodhanaa Lekhanagala Sankalana – Maruchinthane | National | |
STATE | ||||||
01 | 30-04-2021 | Soundrya Institute of Management And Science | Webinar | Sarvagnana Vachanagalalli Mahilaa Samveedhane | State | |
02 | 30-01-2021 | Gupta College, Bangalore | Webinar | Sharana Samskruthi Mattu Shrama Samskruthi | State | |
03 | 4-10-2020 | Shri Shankar Anad Sing Sarkaari Prathama Darge College | Webinar | Kannada Shaastreeya Bhashe : Gottu- Gurigalu | State | |
04 | 10-09-2020 | Sheshadripuram Academy of Business Studies | Webinar | Thatvapadakaararu Mattu Samskruthika Samanvayatheya Jaadu | State | |
05 | 19-08-2020 | Vishwa Chethana Degree College, Anekal | Webinar | Vaddaaraadhane : Hosa Odu | State | |
06 | 23-07-2020 | Seshadripuram College | Webinar | Manveeyatheya Sthiraabhiruddhige Bhaashaatray Chiranthana Maulyagalu | State | |
07 | 15-07-2020 | Sarkaari Prathama Darge College | Webinar | Aadhunika Puurva Kannada Kaavya – Maru Odu | State | |
08 | 03-07-2020 | ISBR College | Webinar | How to Build Immunity Through Ayurveda | State | |
09 | 02-07-2020 | Sindhi College | Webinar | Padavi Tharagathigalige Praacheena Kannada Kruthigala Bodhaneya Agathyathe | State | |
10 | 30-06-2020 | Christ Academy | Webinar | Prasthutha Sandarbhadalli Saahitya Bodhaneya Swaruupa | State | |
11 | 19.21-06-2020 | Sarkaari Prathama Darge College | Webinar | Adhunika Puurva Saahityada Maru Odu | State | |
12 | 10-06-2020 | NMKRV College for Women | Webinar | Vachana Sahitya : Basavanna Mattu Akkamahaadeviyavara Chinthanegalu | State | |
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 19-06-2023 to23-06-2023 | St Pauls College | Five Days FDP Unleashing Tha Potential : Transforming Research Using Modern Tech – Tools | National |
02 | 01-02-2023 to 03-02-2023 | St Francis College | Shashana Saahitya Haagu Madyakaaleena Sahitya Avalokana | State |
03 | 17-10-202 to 22-10-2022 | Christu Jayanti College, Bangaluru
| Six Days FDP Nudi Niccham Posatu
| National |
04 | 09-04-2022 | MES College of Arts, Commerce & Science | Scholarly Writing And Publishing Research Papers And Articles | International |
05 | 07-04-2022 | St Francis College | Why, What & How of Patents | National |
06 | 20-01-2022 to 28-01-2022 | St Pauls College | Exploring Dynamics of The Classroom-NEPaND NAAC Perspective | |
07 | 05-05-2021 to 11-05-2021 | Academic Research Group, Kolar | Policy Initiative and Quality Enhancemene In Higher Education | |
08 | 10-12-2020 | Seshadripuram Evenig College | Impact of Covid – 19 On International Trade And Talents | International |
09 | 20-07-2020 to 24-07-2020 | St Pauls College | Buiding Compentency inICT BASED Teaching using Spreadsheet and Sustainnability Strtegic during Covid-19 Pandemic | International |
10 | 27-05-2020 | Inpods Ed -tech | Outcome Education | |
11 | 19-05-2020 to 22-05-2020 | Kristu Jayanti College | Data Analysis Using Spreadsheet | |
12 | 29-02-2020 | St Pauls College | Reverse Mentoring & Authenticity in Research | |
13 | 23-11-2019 | Brindavan College | Research Proposal Writing For Fund Project | |
14 | 10-07-2019 | St Pauls College | E QUAD LLP | |
15 | 14-08-2018 | St Pauls College | Pedagogic & Personal Effectiveness Among Faculty | |
16 | 21-12-2017 | Seshadripuram First Grade College | Neuro Lingustic Program | |
01 | 21-06-2023 to 23-06-2023 | St Francis College | Buddha, Basava, Gandhi : Samanvaya Thatvagalu | National |
02 | 08-06-2023 | St Francis College | Kannada Sahityadalli Srujanaathmaka Lekhanagalu | National |
03 | 01-02-2023 to 03-02-2023 | St Francis College | Shasana Sahitya Haagu Madyakaaleena Sahitya Avalokana | State |
04 | 10-11-2021 | Kannada Adhyayana Kendra , Bangalore University | Bodhanaa Kaaryaagara | University |
05 | 24-08-2020 to 28-08-2020 | Bangalore University | Highlights and Implementation of Education Policy -2020 | National |
06 | 23-07-2021 | St Claret College | Bodhanaa Karyagara | State |
07 | 10-07-2020 | Bangalore University Law College | Protection of Human Rights during Pandemic | International |
08 | 15-05-2020 | ISBR College | Daihika Mattu Manasika Arogya Nirvahane | |
09 | 08-05-2020 | Surana College | Mahabharathadallina Vaignanika Nelegalu | |
10 | 17-02-2020 | Jindal Mahila College | Gamaka Vaachana Haagu Vyaakhyaana |
Name of the faculty: Saranya Francis
Qualification: MA English, (PhD)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 15 Years
Area of Specialization: Feminist Writing, Literature and Language, Soft Skills and Life Skills
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350940
Sl.No. | Details of Membership | State/ National/ International |
1 | Board Member, Trustee, A Room of Her Own Foundation – Ohio, USA | International Level |
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Sahitya Akademi New Delhi : Vibrant Voices: An Anthology of 21st Century Indian Women Poets | National | 2022 | 9789355483898 |
2 | Antargata (Anthology of Poetry) Editor | National | 2020 | 978-93-90459-10-0 |
3 | Sonder (Anthology of Poetry) Author | International | 2019 | 978-93-89110-98-2 |
4 | Pg: 172-174/Pan IndianPoetry in English Spanning First Two Decades of 21stCentury Chapter in Book | National | 2019 | 978-81-70196-49-5 |
5 | Co-Editor/Confluence Volume3 | National | 2019 | 978-93-89110-38-8 |
6 | Co-Editor/Confluence Volume2 | National | 2018 | 978-93-88332-15-6 |
7 | Ambedo (Anthology of Poetry) | National | 2017 | 978-93-83770-27-4 |
8 | Being Purple (Anthology ofPoetry) | International | 2015 | 978-1-4828-2177-8 |
9 | Diamond English – SecondYear PUC ( Study Guide) | State | 2014 | 978-9350-41354-8 |
10 | Diamond English – First Year PUC (Study Guide) | State | 2013 | 978-9350-41350-0 |
11 | Co-Editor/Confluence Volume1 | National | 978-93-86722-75-1 | 2017 |
Editor/Standard EnglishGrammar and TechnicalWriting Workbook | Local | 978-93-5212-176-2 | 2015 |
Journal Publications:
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Ecofeminism in Literature Key Perspectives | The Journal of Oriental Research Madras | UGC | March 2023 | 0022-3301/Vol. XCIV-X |
2 | Poetry of Protest as Narrative Tools in the Age of Social Media | Journal of Positive School Psychology | Scopus Indexed | March 2022 | Vol. 6, No. 3, 3326–3331 |
3 | Online Game Wordle and Associated Vocabulary Acquistion | Journal of the Oriental Institute | UGC | January 2022 | ISSN: 0030-5324 – Vol. 71, Issue. 01 |
4 | Tracing Historical Progress of Ideas from Jean Jaques Rousseau’s – A discourse upon the origin and foundation of Inequality Among Mankind and Gustav Flaubert’s Madame Bovary leading to Postmodern thought | International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal Ajanta | UGC | July-Sept 2020 | ISSN 2277-5730-ISSN 2277-5730 Vol. 9, Issue 2 |
5 | The Influence of our Past in the Evolution of our Inability to Live Intensely | Rock Pebbles Peer-Reviewed Journal | UGC | September 2020 | ISSN 0975-0509 – Vol. XXIV No II |
Awards and Recognition:
Sl. No. | Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others | Description | Organisation | Month & Year |
1 | International Writer’s Guild Award | I Place for the poem titled Why I Write in English | International Writer’s Guild, USA | January 2022 |
2 | Master of Creative Impulse and Social Consciousness | International award in world literature and creative arts | World Poetry Conference II, Azaad Foundation, Chandigarh | October, 2020 |
3 | Star Ambassador of World Poetry | Awarded for achievements in the field of published poetry | World Poetry Conference (India), Philosophique Poetica (Canada) | October 2019 |
4 | Bharat Award For Literature | Conferred for the short story Metro Meet Depart | Xpress Publications, Palakkad, Kerala | May 2018 |
5 | Rabindranath Tagore Award | II Place for the poem “Don’t Foot My Bill” | Xpress Publications, Palakkad, Kerala | May 2017 |
Resource Person:
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
08 June 2023 | St Francis De Sales College, Bangalore | Online Guest Lecture on the graphic novel Munnu – A Boy from Kashmir |
27 May 2023 | Assembly of Religious Brothers India | Panelist: Day 2 of Two-Day National Seminar on Towards a New Vision of Fraternal Synodality in the Church |
16 February 2022 | St Mary’s PU College, Bangalore | Pathfinder: Career Guidance Workshop |
20 Jan, 2020 | St Charles Girls High School, Bengaluru | Study Skills and Motivation
03 Jan 2019 | St Joseph’s Evening College, Bengaluru | Leadership and Youth Volunteering – Ignitors 2019 |
04 Dec 2019 | Bangalore University | Fourth Wave Feminism |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl.N o | Name of Conference | Reg/Natnl/Int l. | Organiser/Place | Date |
1. | Impact of Postmodernism on Literature, Commerce and Library Sciences | National (Online) | SRM College, Sindhudurg, Maharashtra | 21/05/2020 |
2. | The Left Reflects on the Global Pandemic | International (Online) | Transform Network | 07/05/2020 |
3. | Multidisciplinary National Conference | National | Saint Pauls College, Bengaluru | 19/02/2020 |
4. | World Poetry Symposium | International | Poetica Philosophica, Bathinda, Punjab | 13/10/2019 |
5. | National Seminar on Poetry | National | Chennai Poetry Circle, Chennai | 21/01/2019 |
6. | Sustainable Developments Strategies and Dimensions – | National | Indo Asian Academy, Bengaluru | 27/03/2018 |
7. | Academic Conference Literature | International | Garden City College, Bengaluru | 22/03/2017 |
FDP Attended:
Sl no | Organiser/Place | Topic | Date |
1 | Maris Stella College, Vijayawada | English Studies in the New Millennium: Adapting to New Texts and New Perspectives | 11-13 June 2020 |
2 | Jyoti Nivas College, Bangalore | Negotiating Diversity in the Classroom | 6-8 July 2020 |
3 | SRM Institue of Science and Technology, Chennai | Futuristic Trends of Language and Literature – Impact on 21st Century Learners
| 13 – 18 July, 2020 |
Courses Completed/Certifications:
Name of the faculty: Samra Fuad
Qualification: M.A., NET
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 3 years
Area of Specialization: Linguistics and Phonetics, Gender Studies, Culture Studies.
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350938
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1. | 19/04/2023
| Sheshadripuram Academy of Business Studies
| FDP on New Pedagogical Approaches to the 4th Sem NEP English TExtbooks | State |
Name of the faculty: Ms. Punida Arpitha B
Qualification: M. Com, PGDBA, PGDFM
Designation: Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Management
Years of Experience: 1 year
Area of Specialization: Financial Management, Investment Banking.
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 394335
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 06/02/2023 – 11/02/2023 | Jnana Jyothi Degree College | 5 Day FDP on NAAC Criteria | National |
Name of the faculty: Mridula Kulkarni
Qualification: MSc.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 2 years
Area of Specialization: Clinical and Industrial Psychology
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350948
Journal Publications:
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | The Knowledge and Attitude of Primary School
Teachers towards Mental Illness | Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | UGC | June 2019 | Vol. 16, Issue No. 9, June-2019, ISSN 2230-7540 |
SURGEONS | International Journal for Novel Research and Development | UGC | 2 February 2023 | | Volume 8, Issue 2 February 2023 | ISSN: 2456-4184 | |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | January 2023 | Intellectual Property Rights | Webinar | ST PAULS COLLEGE | National level |
2 | 1 December 2019 | One Day National seminar on Psychology for Gen-Z organized by Bangalore university. | Seminar | Bangalore University | National Level |
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 05-02-2020
| Sacred Hearts Girls First Grade College, Indiranagar, Bangalore | One Day FDP on Rights Intellectual Property Rights
| National |
Name of the faculty: Melwyn Amrithraj
Qualification: M.Sc
Designation: Assistant Professor & HOD, Department of Computer Science
Years of Experience: 2.11 years
Area of Specialization: Computer Science
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350979
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1. | Digital Fluency (As per New Education Policy, Karnataka) First Edition – 2021: Himalaya Publishing House ISO 9001:2015 Certified.
| National | 2021 | ISBN: 978-93-5495-536-5 |
Journal Publications:
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1. | Online Game Wordle and Associated Vocabulary Acquisition | Journal of the Oriental Institute | UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal | January – March: 2022 | SSN: 0030-5324 – Vol. 71, Issue. 01, No. 02 |
2. | Data Platforms and Network Effects – Kalyan Bharathi | Kalyan Bharathi | UGC Care Approved, Group I | September 2021 | ISSN: 0976-0822 Vol. 34, No. 11(III): 2021 |
3. | Contraptions to Avoid Object Obstacles and Increase the Efficiency Using Quad Copters in Drone Technology: How to Build Your Own Drone | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) | Non – UGC | Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2020 | ISSN: 2319-8753, Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2020 |
Award and Recognition:
Sl. No. | Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others | Description | Organisation | Month & Year |
1 | International Certified Career Coach | Certified International Certified Career Coach by Mindler and Career Development Alliance (USA) | International Certified Career Coach by Mindler and Career Development Alliance (USA) | March 2022 |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1. | 21 October 2021. | M.E.S COLLEGE OF ARTS, COMMERCE & SCIENCE Vidyasagara. | Webinar | My Journey Through Authorship | State Level |
25 & 26 June 2021. | ST PAULS COLLEGE, Bengaluru. | conference | The Impact of Conflict on the Humanities | International |
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 7 February 2022 | St Francis De Sales College | Why, What & How of Patents | National |
2 | 4 November 2022 | IIMC | Impressive Social Etiquette (Manners Matters) | National |
3 | 25 November 2022 | IIMC | Research Ethics and Identifying Predatory and Cloned Journals in Publications | National |
4 | 02 Nov 2021 to 06 Nov 2021 | ICT Academy | Fundamentals of AI (Online LIVE FDP) | National |
5 | 23 Aug 2021 to 27 Aug 2021 | ICT Academy | Skills for Evolving Education System | National |
Name of the faculty: Manasa G C
Qualification: M.A, BEd
Designation: Associate Professor of Language Department
Years of Experience: 5 years
Area of Specialization: Linguistics.
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350955
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Chomana dudiya ondu saamajika noata | State | January – 2023 | ISBN-978-93-9177512-4 |
Journal Publications:
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Kuvempu kavithegalalli saamajika pragne | Aruhu Kuruhu | UGC | April – June 2022 | ISSN: 2347-5048 |
2 | Dalita samudyada uddaraka -Babu Jagajeevan Ram | Aruhu Kuruhu | UGC | January – 2023 | ISSN: 2347-5048 |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 22-03-2022 | University of Madras, Marina Campus, Chennai and Kannada Sahithya Parishath, Tamil Nadu Unit | Webinar | “Women’s Literature in Kannada” | National |
1 | 08-03-2022 to 09-03-2022 | St.Pauls College | Seminar | Identification of Abusive Relationships and Prevention of Domestic Violence | National |
2 | 29-06-2022 | Sidda Mangala Seva Kendra | Webinar | “Jgnanada belaku: alakshitha vacanakaarara vachanagala vishleshane” | International |
3 | 23/02/2023 | Bangalore University/Babu Jagajeevan Ram study centre | Webinar | “Babu Jagajeevan Ram chinthanegalu” | National level |
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 20-01-2022 to28-01-2022 | St PaulsCollege 7Days FDP | Exploring Dynamics of the classroom- NEP and NAAC Perspective | State |
1 | 01-02-2023to 03-02-2023 | 3days State Level FDP-Santha Prancis College
| “Shasana saahithya haagu Madhyakalina saahithya avlokana” | State |
2 | 19-06-2023to 23-06-2023
| 5days National Virtual FDP – ST PAULS COLLEGE
| Unleashing the Potential: Transforming research using modern tech-tools | National |
3 | 17-10-2022to 22-10-2022 | Kristu Jayanthi College | “Nudi Niccham Posathu” | National |
Workshop Attended:
Sl. No | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 24-06-2022 to25-06-2022 | St Pauls College | Nava patyakrama par adarith dho divas hindi karyashala | State |
2 | 21-06-2023to 23-06-2023 | 3days Workshop – Santha Prancis College | ‘Budda Basava, Gandhi:Samanvaya tathvagalu’ | National |
3 | 08-06-2023 | 3days Workshop – Santha Prancis College | Kannada sahithyadalli srujanathmaka lekhanagalu | National |
Name of the faculty: Mahesh M S
Qualification: M.L.I.Sc., PGDLAN., UGC-NET., K-SET.
Designation: Librarian
Years of Experience: 8 Years 2 Months
Area of Specialization: Bibliometrics, Classification, E-Publishing, Internet of Things, Software learning, Digital Library
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 334085
Sl.No. | Details of Membership | State/ National/ International |
1 | Mysore University Information and Library Science Alumni Network | State Level |
2 | LIS Academy Membership No: LISA/1314 Life Membership | National Level |
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Extension of Library Hours: A Case Study at NIMHNAS Library | National | 2019 | 9789381979327 |
2 | “User Perception of Digital Information Resources: A Case Study of Agriculture College Kalaburagi.” | National | 2023 | 978-8195503858 |
Journal Publications:
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | A Study on Information Seeking Behaviour of Newspaper Journalists in Mysore | International Journal of Humanities, Law, and Social Sciences | UGC Care |
October 2021 | Vol. VIII ISSN 2348-8301
2 | A Comparison of Three Metrics -An Overview | Education and Society | UGC Care | March-2023 | Vol.46, ISSN: 2278-6864 |
Resource Person:
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
05.08.2021 | T. John Institute of Management & Science | NDLI Presentation |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 30.07.2021 | Balani Infotech Pvt.Ltd | Webinar | World Library: A Primary Source of Library Content | National |
2 | 1-3.12.2021 | ICADL | I Conference | Asia Pacific Digital Libraries | International |
3 | 30.07.2021 | JSS College | Webinar | E-Content Development | National |
4 | 30.11.2021 | KELPRO | Webinar | Library Buildings Physical vs Virtual | Series National |
5 | 22.05.2021 | SD Alliance Analytics | Webinar | Mendeley: Reference Manager | National |
6 | 31.12.2021 | Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies | Webinar | National Level Webinar on “Role of Library in Nep 2020” | National |
7 | 22.01.2022 | NITTE | Webinar | Scholarly Publishing: Predatory Publishing | National |
8 | 25.11.2022 | Indian Institute of Management and Commerce | Workshop | “Research Ethics and Identifying Predatory and Cloned Journals in Publications” | National |
9 | 28.10.2022 | Clarivate | Workshop | Awareness and Engagement Programme 2022 | National |
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 04.11.2022 | Indian Institute of Management and Commerce | “Impressive Social Etiquette (Manners Matters)” | National Online |
Swayam Course:
Sl. No. | Date | Course Name | Year of Pass | Marks Obtained |
1 | 05.04.2023 | Digital Library | 2023 | 66 |
Name of the faculty: Jagadish N
Qualification: M.Com., MBA, B.Ed. (PhD), DII
Designation: Assistant Professor – Commerce & Management
Years of Experience: 12 years
Area of Specialization: Accounting and Taxation, Human Resource and Insurance
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350933
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Fundaments of Investment in Capital Market | National | 2021 | 978-93-5596-719-0 |
2 | Investment in Stock Market | National | 2022 | 798-93-56-93-056-8 |
3 | Equity- Women Leadership and Corporate Guidance concerning Indian Business Firm | National | 2022 | 978-81955-923-0-2 |
Patent Details (if any):
Sl. No. | Patent Application No | Title | Authority | Link |
1 | 202241020374 | System for Marketing And Financial Analytics And Problems Faced By Small Scale Industries | Intellectual Property India | ipindiaservices.gov.in/PublicSearch/PublicationSearch/Searchipindiaservices.gov.in/PublicSearch/PublicationSearch/Search |
Resource Person:
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
27 December 2021 | Dr Ambedkar College, Indira Nagar, Bengaluru | Guest talk on GST |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 08 September 2021 | Sheshadhipuram Academy of Business Studies | Workshop | NEP-2020 | National |
2 | 18 September and 19 September 2021 | VV Academy, Chennai | Webinar | NTA/NET | National Level |
3 | 21 October 2021 | MES College of Arts and Commerce | Webinar | My Journey through Authorship | National Level |
4 | 18 and 19 February 2022 | Ebenezer Management college | Conference | Digital Business innovation in global outlook 2022 | International |
5 | 19 April 2023 | KLE Society’s Degree College | Orientation of Syllabus | IV Semester BCOM AND BBA Syllabus Orientation | State Level |
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 31 Jan – 02 February 2023 | IHMCS – Jaipur | Human Resource Management | National |
2 | 25 – 31 August 2021 | Sheshadhipuram Institute if Management | NAAC Criterion wise discussion | International |
3 | 23 December 2021 | Alva’s College | Investor Awareness | National |
4 | 11 April to 13 April 2022 | Dr. N.S.A.M. First Grade College | Challenges in Effective research and Article writing | National |
Name of the faculty: Greeshma VS
Qualification: MCA
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 7 Months
Area of Specialization: Java, Computer Networks, Software Engineering.
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 351844
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 11-01-2023 | National Intellectual property awareness mission | Seminar | St Pauls College, Bangalore | National level |
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 19-06-2023
| Five Day FDP on Unleashing the Potential: Transforming Research using Modern tech-tools.
| St Pauls College, Bangalore | State level |
Name of the Principal: Fr (Dr) Thomas M J, PhD
Qualification: PhD in Psychology and Counseling
Designation: Principal
Years of Experience: 15 years
Email id: [email protected]
Sl. No | Title | Books/Chapters/Articles in Books (Publisher & Place of Publication) | ISSN No | Month & Year |
1. | The influence of internet on the life and ministry of the spiritual leaders in India | Indian Journal of Mental Health, 4(4), 324-334. | ISSN: 2394-4579 (Print) ISSN: 2394-6652 (Online) | October-December 2017 |
3 | Ethical aspects of social media use by young clergy | Global Bioethics Enquiry, 5(3), 111-114.
| ISSN: 2207-7715 (Print) ISSN: 2207-7723 (Online) | December 2017 |
3. | Using social media and apps to enhance religiosity amongst Christian youth | Indian Journal of Mental Health, 5(2), 175-183. | ISSN: 2394-4579 (Print) ISSN: 2394-6652 (Online) | April-June 2018 |
Award and Recognition:
Sl. No. | Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others | Description | Organisation | Month & Year |
1 | India’s Most Passionate Education Influencers, 2023 | Knowledge Review Magazine Award | The Knowledge Review Magazine | June 2023 |
2 | Global Faculty Award 2022-23 | Global Faculty Award | Extraordinary Contribution to Education – 2023 | October 2022 |
Patent Details (if any):
Sl. No. | Patent Application No | Title | Authority | Link |
1 | 202241023650 | An Innovative Paradigm for The Integration Of Strategic Financial Risk Management | Intellectual Property India | https://ipindiaservices.gov.in/PublicSearch/PublicationSearch/Search |
2 | 202221011536 | A Practice of Total Cost Management For Integrated Product And Production Data Management | Intellectual Property India | https://ipindiaservices.gov.in/PublicSearch/PublicationSearch/Search |
3 | 202241020374 | System for Marketing And Financial Analytics And Problems Faced By Small Scale Industries | Intellectual Property India | ipindiaservices.gov.in/PublicSearch/PublicationSearch/Searchipindiaservices.gov.in/PublicSearch/PublicationSearch/Search |
Resource Person:
Sl. No | Title | Organized by | Organized for | Date |
1 | Values and Ethics at the Workplace | St Pauls Institute of Communication Education (SPICE), Mumbai | UG & PG Students | 28-30 January 2014 |
2 | Balancing Family and Work—Challenges of a Media Person | St Pauls Institute of Communication Education (SPICE), Mumbai | UG & PG Students | 8-10 February 2013 |
3 | Journalist has a Family—Challenges and Opportunities
| St Pauls Institute of Communication Education (SPICE), Mumbai | UG & PG Students | 18-20 January 2012 |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No | Name of the Conference/ Seminar | Organized by | Regional/National/ International | Date |
1. | Funding Projects: Agencies, Procedures and Strategies | Dr. N S A M First Grade College | National | 11 November 2020 |
2. | Nutrition and Health | Mangalore University | International | 28 October 2020 |
3. | Career Opportunities in Indian Army and Karnataka Police | Government of Karnataka, Govt. First Grade College | National | 14 October 2020 |
4. | Mental Health for All: Greater Investment – Greater Success | Jyoti Nivas College (Autonomous) | National | 10 October 2020 |
5. | Pragmatic Approaches to Create Sustainable Lifestyle Management | Government of Karnataka, Government First Grade College | International | 5-6 October 2020 |
6. | “Making Sense of Language/Literature Teaching” And “Making English Classroom Innovative and Practical: An English Textbook Experiment” | Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government First Grade College | National | 24 September 2020 |
7. | Rural Entrepreneurship Development Action Plan | Mahatma Gandhi National Council for Rural Education | National | 22 September 2020 |
8. | Revised Accreditation Framework: 2020 for Affiliated and Constituent Colleges | Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government First Grade College | National | 19 September 2020 |
9. | India-China Relations: Boarder and Power Rivalry | Department of Collegiate Education, Government First Grade College | National | 5 September 2020 |
10. | Emerging from the Virus Crisis | Sacred Heart College (Autonomous) | International | 6-7 August 2020 |
11. | ABC of Emotional Health for Today’s Generation | St Paul Institute of Professional Studies | National | 1 August 2020 |
12. | Industry 4.0: Artificial Intelligence & Related Technology | Integral University | International | 6-10 July 2020 |
13. | Rewiring the Mind by Building Resilience and Enhancing Post Trauma Growth at the Time of our Biggest Life Challenges | Goodwill Christian College for Women | International | 4 July 2020 |
14. | Make Your Research Novel, Innovative and Relevant | Mount Carmel College (Autonomous) | National | 29 June 2020 |
15. | Voice of Women Artists During the Pandemic | ST PAULS COLLEGE | International | 24 June 2020 |
16. | Future of Indian Media Industry | Dept of Communication, Bangalore University | National | 22-27 June 2020 |
17. | International Yoga Day | St Joseph’s College (Autonomous) | International | 21 June 2020 |
18. | Deciphering Schizophrenia | St. Claret College | National | 26 June 2020 |
19. | Digitalization in Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities | Padmashree Institute of Management and Sciences | International | 13 June 2020 |
20. | Digital Media and Mental Health in Times of Turmoil | ST PAULS COLLEGE | National | 11 June 2020 |
21. | Role of Marketing in Times of Pandemic | Mc Graw Hill | National | 11 June 2020 |
22. | Transdisciplinary Research: Principles and Practices | IQAC, ST PAULS COLLEGE | International | 4 June 2020 |
23. | Photojournalism: The Need during Pandemic Covid 19 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | National | 31 May 2020 |
24. | Trends in Commerce Study through Online Learning | GTN Arts College | National | 18 May 2020 |
25. | Social Media for the Building Up of a Humane Society | Dept. of Humanities, ST PAULS COLLEGE | National | 26 April 2019 |
FDP/workshop Attended:
Sl. No | Name of Workshop/FDP/Training | Organized by | Institutional/ Regional/ National/ International | Date |
1. | Highlights and Implementation of National Education Policy 2020 | Bangalore University | National | 24-28 August 2020 |
2. | Quality Enhancement: Assessment and Accreditation | St Ann’s College for Women | National FDP | 23-25 July 2020 |
3. | Building Competency in ICT based Teaching using Spreadsheet and Sustainability Strategies during COVID 19 Pandemic | IQAC, ST PAULS COLLEGE | International FDP | 20-24 July 2020 |
4. | Significance of Communication Skills for Effective Leadership | Santhiram Engineering College | National | 19 July 2020 |
5. | Nurturing Creativity and Innovation through Digital Learning Platforms | RJS Institute of Management Studies | National | 25-26 June 2020 |
6. | Yoga Workshop | Bangalore University, Darshan College and Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies | International | 21 June 2020 |
7. | The Role of Technology in Business Management for the Revival of Economic Slowdown | New Horizon College | National | 17-18 June 2020 |
8. | E-Learning and Online Training Made Effective | Institute of Media Studies and Research | National | 10-14 June 2020 |
9. | Mental Health and Physical Well-Being During Covid-19 | Government of Karnataka, Department of Collegiate Education | International FDP | 8-15 June 2020 |
10. | Reverse Mentoring and Authenticity in Research | IQAC, ST PAULS COLLEGE | Institutional FDP | 29 February 2020 |
11. | Important Skills to be an Effective Teacher | IQAC, ST PAULS COLLEGE | Institutional FDP | 10 July 2019 |
12. | Pedagogic and Personal Effectiveness among Faculty | ST PAULS COLLEGE | National | 14 September 2018 |
Name of the faculty: Babu V
Qualification: M.Com., MBA, M.Phil., Ph.D., NET
Designation: Associate Professor & HOD-Commerce & Management
Years of Experience: 19 years
Area of Specialization: Financial Management, Investment Banking, Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management, Banking and Insurance, Financial Markets and Services.
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350964
Sl.No. | Details of Membership | State/ National/ International |
1 | Star International Foundation for Research and Education (SIFRE) Approved by Government of India (Registered Under Indian Trust Act) / ISO 9001-2015 Certified / 12AA & 80 G Approved Organisation
Membership id: SIFRE/2022/88 – Panel Member
| National Level |
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Text Book: Financial Literacy – Himalaya Publishing House | State | 2021 | 978-93-5495- 550-1 |
2 | Text Book: Personal Financial Planning – Himalaya Publishing House | State | 2021 | 978-93-5495-574-7 |
3 | Text Book: Fundamentals of Investment in Capital Markets – Himalaya Publishing House | State | 2022 | 978-93-5596-719-0 |
4 | Text Book: Financial education and Investment Awareness – Himalaya Publishing House | State | 2022 | 978-93-5693-129-9 |
5 | Text Book: Investment in Stock Market – Himalaya Publishing House | State | 2022 | 978-93-5693-056-8 |
6 | Women Leadership and Corporate Governance Concerning Indian Business Firms-Equity – Changing society & Responsibility in Relationships – ST PAULS PUBLICATION | National | 2022 | |
7 | A paradigm shift in Marketing: Creating Value for a more sustainable future- Princeton Press, USA | International | 2022 | 978-92-0-520216-7 |
Journal Publications:
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Understanding Overconfidence Bias Affecting Decision Making Among Retail Investors in Bengaluru | Kanpur Philosophers: International Journal of humanities, Law and Social Sciences | UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal | 2021 | 2348-8301 Vol. VIII, Issue I : 2021 |
2 | A Study on The Behavioural Biases Affecting The Investment Decisions of Individual Investors In Bengaluru | Kalyan Bharathi | UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal | 2021 | 0976-0822 Vol. 24, No. 8(V) : 2021 |
3 | A study on work life balance of selected MNC employees in Bangalore | Studies in Indian Place Names | UGC Care Journal | 2020 | 2394-3114 Vol-40-Issue-35-February-2020 |
4 | A Comparison of Three Metrics -An Overview | Education and Society | UGC care Group 1 Journal | 2023 | ISSN: 2278-6864 Vol.46, No.2 January-March 2023 |
Award and Recognition:
Sl. No. | Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others | Description | Organisation | Month & Year |
1 | Best Inspiring Teacher Award in Commerce | Global Eminence Award 2022 | Bestow Edutrex International. “Bestow Edutrex” is a registered trade mark (R) of Bestow Edutrex International LLP and is the company registered NGO under NITI Aayog, MSME, Govt of India | July 2022 |
Patent Details (if any):
Sl. No. | Patent Application No | Title | Authority | Link |
1 | 202241023650 | An Innovative Paradigm for The Integration Of Strategic Financial Risk Management | Intellectual Property India | https://ipindiaservices.gov.in/PublicSearch/PublicationSearch/Search |
2 | 202221011536 | A Practice of Total Cost Management For Integrated Product And Production Data Management | Intellectual Property India | https://ipindiaservices.gov.in/PublicSearch/PublicationSearch/Search |
3 | 202241020374 | System for Marketing And Financial Analytics And Problems Faced By Small Scale Industries | Intellectual Property India | ipindiaservices.gov.in/PublicSearch/PublicationSearch/Searchipindiaservices.gov.in/PublicSearch/PublicationSearch/Search |
Resource Person:
Sl. No. | Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
1 | 17 December 2019 | Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian College, Mission Road, Bangalore | Research Methods and Project Submission |
2 | 07 March 2020 | St. Joseph’s Evening College, Museum Road, Bangalore | TRIAD 3.0 – National Business Conclave on Digital Banking |
3 | 18 May 2020 | PG and Research Department of Commerce, GTN Arts College, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu | Webinar on Trend in commerce study through online learning |
4 | 29 July 2022 | St. Anne’s First Grade College for Women | Professional Development Programme on Career and Skill Development-Opportunities and Challenges in Preparing Employable Graduates |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 20-11-2019 | Jyothi Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore | Seminar | Talent Connect 2020, Department of MBA, Jyothi Nivas College Autonomous | National level |
2 | 30 April 2020 | Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, Bangalore | Seminar | Effective Teaching using ICT Tools – Seminar UGC Paramarsh | National Level |
3 | 29 June 2020 | Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, Bangalore | Seminar | Make your Research Novel, Innovative and Relavant | National Level |
4 | 17 August 2020 | Government RC college, Bangalore | Seminar | National Education Policy and its implications on India Higher Education | National Level |
5 | 04 July 2020 | Rajdhani Business School & NIPM Trivandrum Chapter | Webinar | Turning Adversity to opportunity in the VUCA Word | National Level |
6 | 29 July 2020 | St. Alyoysius College, Bangalore | Seminar | Financial Reporting – Covid 19 and Beyond | National Level |
7 | 17 August 2020 | Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies | Webinar | Education Policy 2020-Challenges and Prospects | National Level |
8 | 6 June 2022 | Innovation Cell, MHRD, Government of India | Seminar | Leadership Talk
| National Level |
FDP/workshop Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 23 November 2019 | Brindavan College, Yelahanka, Bangalore | Research Proposal Writing for Funded Projects | State |
2 | 15 to 22, November 2021 | 8 days workship on NAAC Assessment framework | Adhayapana, Nelamangala, Bangalore | State |
3 | 08 October 2022 | Innovative Ambassador – Foundation Level | Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education, Government of India | National |
4 | 3 April 2023 | 5 Days Workshop on Financial Markets | Silicon City College of Management and Commerce | National |
Name of the faculty: Gowtham R
Qualification: M.Com., NET
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 08 Year
Area of Specialization: Accounting, Taxation and Finance
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350957
Sl. No. | Title of the Book | Publication | Level | Year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
01 | Financial Education and Investment Awareness | Himalaya Publishing House | State | 2022 | ISBN: 978-93-5693-129-9 |
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
01 | Janapada Kathegalu | National | 2021 | ISBN – 978-93-5493-463-6 |
02 | “Social Responsibility of Business Entity in achieving sustainability in relation to Banking Companies” | National | 2019 | ISBN – 978-81-940165-4-0 |
03 | “ವಚನ ಸಾಹಿತ್ಯ ಮತ್ತು ಸಾಮಾಜಿಕ ಬದಲಾವಣೆ– (ಬಸವಣ್ಣನ ವಚನಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಸಾಮಾಜಿಕಬದಲಾವಣೆ)” | National | 2019 | ISSN 2348-6724 |
04 | “A study on Green Human Resources Management Corporate Strategy and its Implications” | National | 2018 | ISSN-2395-5929
Journal Publications:
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
01 | Risk and Recovery of Loans and Advances in relation to Cooperative Societies | Alochana Chakra UGC Care Group 1 Journal | UGC | June, 2020 | ISSN – 2231-3990 |
Resource Person:
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
11-12-2021 | AIMS, Bengaluru | Guest Talk – Income Tax and Recent Updates |
12-10-2019 | Anupama Institute of Management Studies, Bengaluru | Guest Talk – Goods and Services Tax – Assessment Procedure and Returns |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 21-01-2022 | Sheshadripuram First Grade College, Bengaluru | Webinar | Strategy for Managing Personal Finance | National |
2 | 16-08-2021 | Surana College, Peenya, Bengaluru | Conference | Multilingualism in Language and Literature | International |
3 | 06-07-2020 | CMS, Jain, Bengaluru | Online Pannel Discussion | Leading the way forward in Unprecedented Times: A Special Reference to the Global Market and Economy | International |
4 | 29/30-05-2020 | Surana College, Peenya, Bengaluru | Conference | International Multi-Disciplinary Academic Web Conference 2020 | International |
5 | 23-10-2019 | Lal Bahadur Shastri GFGC, Bengaluru | Conference | Sustainable Education in the era of Globalization | National |
6 | 18-10-2019 | MLS Academy of Higher Learning, Bengaluru | Conference | Social Transformation through Literature | National |
7 | 03-10-2018 | IIBS, Bengaluru | Conference | Emerging technologies in Business Innovation and sustainability | National |
8 | 07-09-2018 | Surana College, Peenya, Bengaluru | Conference | Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Management | National |
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 30-06-2020 to 04-07-2020 | Jnana Jyothi Degree College – PG Centre, Bengaluru | Business Resilience | International |
2 | 22/23-11-2019 | CMS Business School, Jain | Publishing in Scopus Indexed Journal | National |
3 | 30-07-2019 | One day FDP, Surana College, Bengalru
| Course Outcome, Programme Outcome and Critical Teaching | State |
Name of the faculty: Malini T S
Qualification: M.Lisc , MBA
Designation: Librarian
Years of Experience: 14 years
Area of Specialization: Human Resource Management, Digital Library, Information Communication Technology, Classification, Library Software’s , Scientometrics
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 393866
Sl.No. | Details of Membership | State/ National/ International |
1 | Karnataka State Library Association (KALA) | State Level |
2 | LIS Academy Membership No: LISA/1314 Life Membership | National Level |
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | “User Perception of Digital Information Resources: A Case Study of Agriculture College Kalaburagi.” | National | 2023 | 978-8195503858 |
2 | Paper presented on A Study on NEP Education System Pros & Cons | National | 2023 |
Journal Publications:
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | A Study on Information Seeking Behavior of Newspaper Journalists in Mysore | International Journal of Humanities, Law, and Social Sciences | UGC Care | October 2021 | Vol. VIII ISSN 2348-8301 |
2 | A Comparison of Three Metrics -An Overview | Education and Society | UGC Care | March-2023 | Vol.46, ISSN: 2278-6864 |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 02-06-2018
| WORKSHOP | State Level |
2 | 1-2-/03/2019
| Tumkur University
| National Conference | Library in the life of the User
| State Level |
3 | 29 -07- 2020 | NSB Academy | Webinar | Wfh-Perfomance Management Challenges in NSB Academy | National |
4 | 6 -08-2020 | St Thomas College | Webinar | Research and Publication Ethics | National |
5 | 24 – 28th 08- 2020 | Bangalore University | Workshop | Highlights and Implementation of Nation Education Policy | National |
6 | 20 -10- 2020 | Karnataka University Dharawad
| Seminar | Redesigning of Library Service in the Covid-19 Environment | Satate Level |
7 | 4 -06-2021 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Webinar | Quality enhancement techniques in Higher Education | National |
8 | 14 -06- 2021 | Gudleppa, Hallikeri Arts and Science Commerce College.Haveri
| Webinar | N-LIST and Open Access Resources for Teaching learning | National |
9 | 25 -06-2021 | Sambhram College,Bangalore | Webinar | All life is yoga | State Level |
30 -07-2021 | Balani Infotech | Webinar | World Library: A Primary Source of Library Content | National | |
10 | 1 -07- 2021 | KLE Society Rajalakshma Gowda Science Institute, Belagavi
| Webinar | Promotion of Academic integrity and prevention of plagiarism | National |
11 | 15 -20 -2021 | Vivekananda Education Society
| Others | E-Quiz | State Level |
12 | 22 -01-2022 | NITTE Education Trust | Webinar | Scholarly Publishing v/s Predatory Publishing held | National |
13 | 31 -05-2022 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Awareness Program | NDLI | |
14 | 4-11-2022 | Indian Institute of Management and Commerce | Workshop | Implementation of National Digital Library Club | National |
15 | 20-12-2022 | Workshop | National | ||
16 | 28.10.2022 | Clarivate | Awareness Program | Intellectual proper Awareness Programme | |
17 | 10-05-2023 | Thapar Institute | Workshop | Koha | Natioal |
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 10 -7-2019 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | E QUAD LLP | National |
2 | 23 -11-2019 | Brindavan College | Research proposal writing for funded projects | National |
3 | 13-18 07-2020 | SJM College | Intellectual Property Rights | National |
4 | 20-24 07 -2020 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Building Competency in ICT | National |
5 | 30th July 1stAugust 2020 | S R Kanthi Arts, Commerce and Science College | Electronic Resources for Teaching | National |
Name of the faculty: Dalvy Jose
Qualification: M.Com, PGDFT
Designation: Assistant Professor-Commerce & Management
Years of Experience: 7 years
Area of Specialization: Financial Management, Statistics, Tax, Accounts, Insurance.
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 351621
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Dynamics of Financial Inclusion | State | 2021 | 978-93-91550-01-1 |
2 | Business environment and technological Innovation – Emerging Trends | State | 2021 | 978-93-90996-43-8 |
Journal Publications:
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Challenges and Opportunities of Indian Rural Marketing | The Journal of Oriental Research | UGC | March 2023 | 0022-3301 , Vol – XCIV-X |
2 | Impact of pandemic on CSR Activities | Presidency College Souvenir | Non UGC | July 2021 | 2229-5275 |
3 | The Usage of Innovative technique: A Study on Mobile Banking with special reference to SIB | Sheshadripuram Journal of Social Science | Non UGC | November 2019 | 2581-6748 |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 26 – 31stJuly | Oceanik College | Webinar | Ice breakers for Job seekers | International Level |
2 | 15th June 2021 | KLE College | Webinar | Employees challenges at work place | National Level |
3 | 20-21st May 2021 | St Francis De Sales College | Workshop | Business Analytics | National Level |
4 | 31st May 2021 | GFGC, Ramanagara | Webinar | Empirical Modeling: Issues and challenges in social science research | National Level |
5 | 14th June 2021 | KLE | Webinar | E-Survey: A tool for data collection | National Level |
6 | 10th July, 2021 | Sheshadripuram College | Webinar | Fake journals and publishers identification criterias | International Level |
7 | 29-30th May 2020 | Surana College | Conference | International Multi Disciplinary Academic Web Conference 2020 | International Level |
8 | 30th April 2020 | Mount Carmel College | Webinar | Effective Teaching using ICT Tools | National Level |
9 | 13th July 2020 | Sheshadripuram Institute | Webinar | Effective Online Teaching Pedagogy for Accounting | National Level |
10 | 9-10thOctober 2018 | Periyar University | Conference | Significance of Joint Liability Group | International Level |
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 10-14th April 2023 | RPA First grade College | Innovation and sustainability in Banks | National Level |
2 | 3-7th April 2023 | Silicon City College | Financial Markets | National Level |
3 | 7-11th June 2021 | AIMS | Methods and techniques of teaching advanced financial accounting | National Level |
4 | 26 – 27thMay 2021 | SSMRV | Innovative Teaching strategies for digital natives – Gen Z | National Level |
5 | 14 – 19thJune 2021 | St Claret College | Innovation, IPR, Technology development and entrepreneurship | International Level |
6 | 17 – 23th May 2021 | MS Ramaiah | Orientation on AQAR 2020-21 | National Level |
7 | 24- 26th May 2021 | HKBK | Role of Faculty in Moulding students | National Level |
8 | 25th June 2021 | Hindusthan Institute of Technology | Effective Instruction design for improving students learning | National Level |
9 | 8-12th June 2021 | MS Ramaiah | Recent trends in HR | National Level |
10 | 29-4th July 2021 | S R Kanthi College | IPR | National Level |
11 | 13-17th July 2020 | Balaji Institute of Management Sciences | Research Methodology | National Level |
12 | 23rdNovember 2019 | Brindavan College | Research proposal writing for funded projects | National Level |
13 | 8th June 2020 | QIS College | Plagiarism – Free Research Report writing | National Level |
14 | 11 – 18thMay 2020 | Kristu Jayanthi College | Role of Teachers in Quality Enhancement and Accreditation | National Level |
Name of the faculty: Ms. Sumathi C P
Qualification: MBA, MCOM
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 10 Years
Area of Specialization: Finance and Marketing
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350950
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
01 | Sustainable Education In the Era of Globalization | National | 2019 | ISBN:978-81-940165-4-0 |
02 | Impact of Digitalisation On Indian Economy | National | 2018 | ISSN:2581-6748 |
03 | A Study on Emerging Issues in CSR with Perspective to SME’s | International | 2019 | ISSN: 2394-2886 |
Journal Publications:
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
01 | “Risk and Recovery of Loans and Advances in relation to Cooperative Societies” | Alochana Chakra – UGC Care Group 1 Journal | UGC | June 2020 | ISSN – 2231-3990 |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
01 | 07-09-2018 | Surana College, Peenya, Bengaluru | Conference | Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Management | National |
02 | 23-10-2019 | Lal Bahadur Shastri GFGC, Bengaluru | Conference | Sustainable Education in the era of Globalization | National |
03 | 16-08-2021 | Surana College, Peenya, Bengaluru | Conference | Multilingualism in Language and Literature | International |
04 | 27 and 28-03-2019 | Seshadripurm Academy of Business Studies Bengaluru | Conference | Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Technology | International |
05 | 09-05-2020 | Surana College Bengaluru | Webinar | An Outlook of Strategic Planning on Investment Avenues | National |
06 | 22-05-2020 | RVIM | Webinar | Implication of Covid19 on world economy | National |
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 30-06-2020 to 04-07-2020 | Jnana Jyothi Degree College – PG Centre, Bengaluru | Business Resilience | National |
2 | 22/23-11-2019 | CMS Business School, Jain | Publishing in Scopus Indexed Journal | National |
3 | 30-07-2019 | One day FDP, Surana College, Bengalru
| Course Outcome, Programme Outcome and Critical Teaching | State |
Name of the Faculty: Jenin Raj. S
Qualification: MJMC., PGDPR., M.Phil,. (PhD)
Designation: Head, PG Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
Years of Experience: 12 years
Area of Specialization:
Email id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350956
Sl.No. | Details of Membership | State/ National/ International |
1. | BOS member, Journalism, Bangalore University | State |
2. | BOS member, Journalism, Surana Autonomous College, Bangalore | State |
3. | BOS member, Journalism, Loyola College | State |
4. | BOE member, Journalism, Bangalore University | State |
5. | BOE member, Journalism, mLAC Autonomous College | State |
6. | BOE member, Journalism, PSG College, Coimbatore | State |
7. | BOE member, Journalism, NMKRV College | State |
8. | BOE member, Journalism, Bangalore North University | State |
9. | BOE member, Journalism, Indian Academy Autonomous College | State |
10. | BOE member, Journalism, University of Calicut | State |
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Indian Economy | National | 2020 |
Journal Publications:
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | The effects of postmodernism on literature, library and commerce | International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal Ajanta | UGC | 21 May 2020 | Vol – IX, Issue-II | April-June 2020 ISSN 2277-5730 | Page No. 84-90 |
Resource Person:
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
2 Dec 2019 | Periyar University, Salem | Training on Quark Express |
3 Oct 2016 | SPICE, Bangalore | Reporting methods in media |
15 May 2016 | SPICE, Mumbai | Accreditation process for Deakin University |
8 Aug 2019 | SFS college, Bangalore | Journalism and its slant towards politics |
31 May 2020 | ST PAULS COLLEGE, Bangalore | Photo Journalism- National Level Webinar |
30 June 2020 | ST FRANCIS COLLEGE, Bangalore | Citizen Journalism |
21 March 2019 | SSM School/College, Bangalore | Career guidance and life |
22 March 2019 | Cluny Convent College, Bangalore | Career guidance and current trends in courses |
8 April 2019 | St Claret College | Importance of Mass Coomunication |
2 March 2021 | Assumption College, Kerala | Career in Media & Journalism |
26 May 2022 | DON BOSCO College, Goa | Emerging Trends and Opportunities in Media Students |
25 May 2022 | St. Xavier’s College, Goa | Opportunities in Media Post Covid-19 |
27 May 2022 | Chowgule College, Goa | Media and Fake News |
7 March 2022 | Loyola College, Bangalore | Career Opportunities in Journalism |
18 Dec 2022 | St Anns College, Bangalore | Photojournalism-Nose for Story |
Conference/Seminar Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 17th March 2009 | Kristu Jayanti College | Seminar | Consumer, Psychology and Life Skills | International |
2 | 10th –11th Feb 2011 | Bharathiar University, Coimbatore | Conference | Behavioral Therapy through Theatre | International |
FDP Attended:
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1. | 21st Dec 2017 | Sheshadhripuram First Grade College | Neuro Linguistic Program | National |
2. | 14th Sept 2018
| ST PAULS COLLEGE | Reverse mentoring and Authenticity in Research | National |
3. | 10th July 2019 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | EQUAD LLP | National |
4. | 23rd Nov 2019 | Brindavan College | Research Personal Writing For Funded Project | National |
5. | 29th Feb 2020 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Reverse mentoring and Authenticity in Research | National |
6. | 14th Nov 2019 | Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies | Art of framing questionnaire in social science research | National |
7. | 8th Aug 2019 | Bangalore University | Digital Valuation and its challenges | National |
8. | 30th April 2020 | BP Sulakhe Commerce College | Covid-19 General Awareness Programme 2020 | National |
9. | 8th May 2020 | Patrician College | Examinations in wake of COVID-19 | National |
10. | 3rd May 2020 | Kristu Jayanti College | Role of Teachers in Quality Enhancement and Accreditation (NAAC) | National |
11. | May 11th-May 18 2020 | Skillslate | Decoding Examination during and Post Covid-19 | National |
12. | 8th May 2020 | St Teresian College | National Education Policy | National |
13. | 16th Jan 2020 | Sankara College of Science and Commerce | MHRD-National Mission for Education | National |
14. | 14th May 2020 | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | Social Responsibility of Educationist in covid-19 | National |
15. | 13th-17th July 2020 | Balaji Institute of Management Science | Research Methodology | National |
16. | 20-24 July 2020 | Building Competency in ICT | SPC | National |
Name of the faculty: Elizabath Jansy
Qualification: M.A, (Pursuing PhD)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 1 year
Area of Specialization: Indian Literature; Childhood Trauma Studies; Jewish-German, Indian and Nigerian Childhood Trauma Literature.
Email Id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350978
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Surviving the Global Adversity: Emotional Intelligence, A Prerequisite of Endurance. | National | 2021 | ISBN (INDIA):978-81-950963-2-9 |
2 | Sustainable Crisis: Psychoanalytical Reading of Populism and Trauma in Select War Narrative | International | 2023 | ISBN: 978-1-032-60104-5 |
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Nature’s Lament: A Comparative Psychoanalytical Reading of Childhood Trauma in Select War Narratives | ECS Transactions | Non UGC – Scopus | May 2022 | 10-1149-10701-16867 Volume 107 |
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
25 July 2021 | Christ College of Science and Management | Webinar on Cry of the Stolen Spring – A Review of God Help the Child by Toni Morrison |
19 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Reference and Citation Management Using Mendeley |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 18-09-2019 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Conference | “Unheard Lament and Unseen Scar of the Dalit Women” in the National Conference on Myths, Legends and Folklore – Intertextuality in Literature.
| National |
2 | 11-11-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University | Conference | “Irony in the Text:An Intergenerational Reading of Childhood Trauma in Seasons of the Palm by Perumal Murugan” | International |
3 | 26 June 2020 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Webinar | Deciphering Schizophrenia | National |
4 | 24-09-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University and University of Toledo | Conference | New Populism and Responses of the 21stCentury | International |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 21-27 April 2021
| Govt. College for Women, Govt. College Dhami and Cape Comorin Trust | International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Ethics in Research and Teaching | International |
2 | 19 – 23 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Five Day National Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Unleashing the Potential: Transforming Research Using Modern Tech-Tools. | National |
Name of the faculty: Elizabath Jansy
Qualification: M.A, (Pursuing PhD)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 1 year
Area of Specialization: Indian Literature; Childhood Trauma Studies; Jewish-German, Indian and Nigerian Childhood Trauma Literature.
Email Id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350978
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Surviving the Global Adversity: Emotional Intelligence, A Prerequisite of Endurance. | National | 2021 | ISBN (INDIA):978-81-950963-2-9 |
2 | Sustainable Crisis: Psychoanalytical Reading of Populism and Trauma in Select War Narrative | International | 2023 | ISBN: 978-1-032-60104-5 |
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Nature’s Lament: A Comparative Psychoanalytical Reading of Childhood Trauma in Select War Narratives | ECS Transactions | Non UGC – Scopus | May 2022 | 10-1149-10701-16867 Volume 107 |
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
25 July 2021 | Christ College of Science and Management | Webinar on Cry of the Stolen Spring – A Review of God Help the Child by Toni Morrison |
19 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Reference and Citation Management Using Mendeley |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 18-09-2019 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Conference | “Unheard Lament and Unseen Scar of the Dalit Women” in the National Conference on Myths, Legends and Folklore – Intertextuality in Literature.
| National |
2 | 11-11-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University | Conference | “Irony in the Text:An Intergenerational Reading of Childhood Trauma in Seasons of the Palm by Perumal Murugan” | International |
3 | 26 June 2020 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Webinar | Deciphering Schizophrenia | National |
4 | 24-09-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University and University of Toledo | Conference | New Populism and Responses of the 21stCentury | International |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 21-27 April 2021
| Govt. College for Women, Govt. College Dhami and Cape Comorin Trust | International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Ethics in Research and Teaching | International |
2 | 19 – 23 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Five Day National Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Unleashing the Potential: Transforming Research Using Modern Tech-Tools. | National |
Name of the faculty: Elizabath Jansy
Qualification: M.A, (Pursuing PhD)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 1 year
Area of Specialization: Indian Literature; Childhood Trauma Studies; Jewish-German, Indian and Nigerian Childhood Trauma Literature.
Email Id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350978
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Surviving the Global Adversity: Emotional Intelligence, A Prerequisite of Endurance. | National | 2021 | ISBN (INDIA):978-81-950963-2-9 |
2 | Sustainable Crisis: Psychoanalytical Reading of Populism and Trauma in Select War Narrative | International | 2023 | ISBN: 978-1-032-60104-5 |
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Nature’s Lament: A Comparative Psychoanalytical Reading of Childhood Trauma in Select War Narratives | ECS Transactions | Non UGC – Scopus | May 2022 | 10-1149-10701-16867 Volume 107 |
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
25 July 2021 | Christ College of Science and Management | Webinar on Cry of the Stolen Spring – A Review of God Help the Child by Toni Morrison |
19 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Reference and Citation Management Using Mendeley |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 18-09-2019 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Conference | “Unheard Lament and Unseen Scar of the Dalit Women” in the National Conference on Myths, Legends and Folklore – Intertextuality in Literature.
| National |
2 | 11-11-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University | Conference | “Irony in the Text:An Intergenerational Reading of Childhood Trauma in Seasons of the Palm by Perumal Murugan” | International |
3 | 26 June 2020 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Webinar | Deciphering Schizophrenia | National |
4 | 24-09-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University and University of Toledo | Conference | New Populism and Responses of the 21stCentury | International |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 21-27 April 2021
| Govt. College for Women, Govt. College Dhami and Cape Comorin Trust | International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Ethics in Research and Teaching | International |
2 | 19 – 23 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Five Day National Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Unleashing the Potential: Transforming Research Using Modern Tech-Tools. | National |
Name of the faculty: Elizabath Jansy
Qualification: M.A, (Pursuing PhD)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 1 year
Area of Specialization: Indian Literature; Childhood Trauma Studies; Jewish-German, Indian and Nigerian Childhood Trauma Literature.
Email Id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350978
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Surviving the Global Adversity: Emotional Intelligence, A Prerequisite of Endurance. | National | 2021 | ISBN (INDIA):978-81-950963-2-9 |
2 | Sustainable Crisis: Psychoanalytical Reading of Populism and Trauma in Select War Narrative | International | 2023 | ISBN: 978-1-032-60104-5 |
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Nature’s Lament: A Comparative Psychoanalytical Reading of Childhood Trauma in Select War Narratives | ECS Transactions | Non UGC – Scopus | May 2022 | 10-1149-10701-16867 Volume 107 |
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
25 July 2021 | Christ College of Science and Management | Webinar on Cry of the Stolen Spring – A Review of God Help the Child by Toni Morrison |
19 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Reference and Citation Management Using Mendeley |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 18-09-2019 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Conference | “Unheard Lament and Unseen Scar of the Dalit Women” in the National Conference on Myths, Legends and Folklore – Intertextuality in Literature.
| National |
2 | 11-11-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University | Conference | “Irony in the Text:An Intergenerational Reading of Childhood Trauma in Seasons of the Palm by Perumal Murugan” | International |
3 | 26 June 2020 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Webinar | Deciphering Schizophrenia | National |
4 | 24-09-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University and University of Toledo | Conference | New Populism and Responses of the 21stCentury | International |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 21-27 April 2021
| Govt. College for Women, Govt. College Dhami and Cape Comorin Trust | International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Ethics in Research and Teaching | International |
2 | 19 – 23 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Five Day National Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Unleashing the Potential: Transforming Research Using Modern Tech-Tools. | National |
Name of the faculty: Elizabath Jansy
Qualification: M.A, (Pursuing PhD)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 1 year
Area of Specialization: Indian Literature; Childhood Trauma Studies; Jewish-German, Indian and Nigerian Childhood Trauma Literature.
Email Id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350978
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Surviving the Global Adversity: Emotional Intelligence, A Prerequisite of Endurance. | National | 2021 | ISBN (INDIA):978-81-950963-2-9 |
2 | Sustainable Crisis: Psychoanalytical Reading of Populism and Trauma in Select War Narrative | International | 2023 | ISBN: 978-1-032-60104-5 |
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Nature’s Lament: A Comparative Psychoanalytical Reading of Childhood Trauma in Select War Narratives | ECS Transactions | Non UGC – Scopus | May 2022 | 10-1149-10701-16867 Volume 107 |
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
25 July 2021 | Christ College of Science and Management | Webinar on Cry of the Stolen Spring – A Review of God Help the Child by Toni Morrison |
19 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Reference and Citation Management Using Mendeley |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 18-09-2019 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Conference | “Unheard Lament and Unseen Scar of the Dalit Women” in the National Conference on Myths, Legends and Folklore – Intertextuality in Literature.
| National |
2 | 11-11-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University | Conference | “Irony in the Text:An Intergenerational Reading of Childhood Trauma in Seasons of the Palm by Perumal Murugan” | International |
3 | 26 June 2020 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Webinar | Deciphering Schizophrenia | National |
4 | 24-09-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University and University of Toledo | Conference | New Populism and Responses of the 21stCentury | International |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 21-27 April 2021
| Govt. College for Women, Govt. College Dhami and Cape Comorin Trust | International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Ethics in Research and Teaching | International |
2 | 19 – 23 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Five Day National Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Unleashing the Potential: Transforming Research Using Modern Tech-Tools. | National |
Name of the faculty: Elizabath Jansy
Qualification: M.A, (Pursuing PhD)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 1 year
Area of Specialization: Indian Literature; Childhood Trauma Studies; Jewish-German, Indian and Nigerian Childhood Trauma Literature.
Email Id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350978
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Surviving the Global Adversity: Emotional Intelligence, A Prerequisite of Endurance. | National | 2021 | ISBN (INDIA):978-81-950963-2-9 |
2 | Sustainable Crisis: Psychoanalytical Reading of Populism and Trauma in Select War Narrative | International | 2023 | ISBN: 978-1-032-60104-5 |
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Nature’s Lament: A Comparative Psychoanalytical Reading of Childhood Trauma in Select War Narratives | ECS Transactions | Non UGC – Scopus | May 2022 | 10-1149-10701-16867 Volume 107 |
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
25 July 2021 | Christ College of Science and Management | Webinar on Cry of the Stolen Spring – A Review of God Help the Child by Toni Morrison |
19 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Reference and Citation Management Using Mendeley |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 18-09-2019 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Conference | “Unheard Lament and Unseen Scar of the Dalit Women” in the National Conference on Myths, Legends and Folklore – Intertextuality in Literature.
| National |
2 | 11-11-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University | Conference | “Irony in the Text:An Intergenerational Reading of Childhood Trauma in Seasons of the Palm by Perumal Murugan” | International |
3 | 26 June 2020 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Webinar | Deciphering Schizophrenia | National |
4 | 24-09-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University and University of Toledo | Conference | New Populism and Responses of the 21stCentury | International |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 21-27 April 2021
| Govt. College for Women, Govt. College Dhami and Cape Comorin Trust | International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Ethics in Research and Teaching | International |
2 | 19 – 23 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Five Day National Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Unleashing the Potential: Transforming Research Using Modern Tech-Tools. | National |
Name of the faculty: Elizabath Jansy
Qualification: M.A, (Pursuing PhD)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 1 year
Area of Specialization: Indian Literature; Childhood Trauma Studies; Jewish-German, Indian and Nigerian Childhood Trauma Literature.
Email Id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350978
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Surviving the Global Adversity: Emotional Intelligence, A Prerequisite of Endurance. | National | 2021 | ISBN (INDIA):978-81-950963-2-9 |
2 | Sustainable Crisis: Psychoanalytical Reading of Populism and Trauma in Select War Narrative | International | 2023 | ISBN: 978-1-032-60104-5 |
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Nature’s Lament: A Comparative Psychoanalytical Reading of Childhood Trauma in Select War Narratives | ECS Transactions | Non UGC – Scopus | May 2022 | 10-1149-10701-16867 Volume 107 |
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
25 July 2021 | Christ College of Science and Management | Webinar on Cry of the Stolen Spring – A Review of God Help the Child by Toni Morrison |
19 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Reference and Citation Management Using Mendeley |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 18-09-2019 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Conference | “Unheard Lament and Unseen Scar of the Dalit Women” in the National Conference on Myths, Legends and Folklore – Intertextuality in Literature.
| National |
2 | 11-11-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University | Conference | “Irony in the Text:An Intergenerational Reading of Childhood Trauma in Seasons of the Palm by Perumal Murugan” | International |
3 | 26 June 2020 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Webinar | Deciphering Schizophrenia | National |
4 | 24-09-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University and University of Toledo | Conference | New Populism and Responses of the 21stCentury | International |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 21-27 April 2021
| Govt. College for Women, Govt. College Dhami and Cape Comorin Trust | International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Ethics in Research and Teaching | International |
2 | 19 – 23 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Five Day National Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Unleashing the Potential: Transforming Research Using Modern Tech-Tools. | National |
Name of the faculty: Elizabath Jansy
Qualification: M.A, (Pursuing PhD)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 1 year
Area of Specialization: Indian Literature; Childhood Trauma Studies; Jewish-German, Indian and Nigerian Childhood Trauma Literature.
Email Id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350978
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Surviving the Global Adversity: Emotional Intelligence, A Prerequisite of Endurance. | National | 2021 | ISBN (INDIA):978-81-950963-2-9 |
2 | Sustainable Crisis: Psychoanalytical Reading of Populism and Trauma in Select War Narrative | International | 2023 | ISBN: 978-1-032-60104-5 |
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Nature’s Lament: A Comparative Psychoanalytical Reading of Childhood Trauma in Select War Narratives | ECS Transactions | Non UGC – Scopus | May 2022 | 10-1149-10701-16867 Volume 107 |
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
25 July 2021 | Christ College of Science and Management | Webinar on Cry of the Stolen Spring – A Review of God Help the Child by Toni Morrison |
19 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Reference and Citation Management Using Mendeley |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 18-09-2019 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Conference | “Unheard Lament and Unseen Scar of the Dalit Women” in the National Conference on Myths, Legends and Folklore – Intertextuality in Literature.
| National |
2 | 11-11-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University | Conference | “Irony in the Text:An Intergenerational Reading of Childhood Trauma in Seasons of the Palm by Perumal Murugan” | International |
3 | 26 June 2020 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Webinar | Deciphering Schizophrenia | National |
4 | 24-09-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University and University of Toledo | Conference | New Populism and Responses of the 21stCentury | International |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 21-27 April 2021
| Govt. College for Women, Govt. College Dhami and Cape Comorin Trust | International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Ethics in Research and Teaching | International |
2 | 19 – 23 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Five Day National Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Unleashing the Potential: Transforming Research Using Modern Tech-Tools. | National |
Name of the faculty: Elizabath Jansy
Qualification: M.A, (Pursuing PhD)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: 1 year
Area of Specialization: Indian Literature; Childhood Trauma Studies; Jewish-German, Indian and Nigerian Childhood Trauma Literature.
Email Id: [email protected]
Vidwan Id: 350978
Sl. No. | Title of the books/chapter/conference proceedings published | Level (National / State/ International) | Calendar year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | Surviving the Global Adversity: Emotional Intelligence, A Prerequisite of Endurance. | National | 2021 | ISBN (INDIA):978-81-950963-2-9 |
2 | Sustainable Crisis: Psychoanalytical Reading of Populism and Trauma in Select War Narrative | International | 2023 | ISBN: 978-1-032-60104-5 |
Sl. No. | Title of the paper | Name of Journal | UGC/Non-UGC | Month & year of Publication | ISSN and Volume |
1 | Nature’s Lament: A Comparative Psychoanalytical Reading of Childhood Trauma in Select War Narratives | ECS Transactions | Non UGC – Scopus | May 2022 | 10-1149-10701-16867 Volume 107 |
Date | Name of the Institution | Event Details |
25 July 2021 | Christ College of Science and Management | Webinar on Cry of the Stolen Spring – A Review of God Help the Child by Toni Morrison |
19 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Reference and Citation Management Using Mendeley |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Seminar / Webinar / Conference | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 18-09-2019 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Conference | “Unheard Lament and Unseen Scar of the Dalit Women” in the National Conference on Myths, Legends and Folklore – Intertextuality in Literature.
| National |
2 | 11-11-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University | Conference | “Irony in the Text:An Intergenerational Reading of Childhood Trauma in Seasons of the Palm by Perumal Murugan” | International |
3 | 26 June 2020 | ST CLARET COLLEGE | Webinar | Deciphering Schizophrenia | National |
4 | 24-09-2021 | Christ Deemed to be University and University of Toledo | Conference | New Populism and Responses of the 21stCentury | International |
Sl. No. | Date | Host Institution or Department | Title | Level (National / State/ International) |
1 | 21-27 April 2021
| Govt. College for Women, Govt. College Dhami and Cape Comorin Trust | International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Ethics in Research and Teaching | International |
2 | 19 – 23 June 2023 | ST PAULS COLLEGE | Five Day National Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Unleashing the Potential: Transforming Research Using Modern Tech-Tools. | National |
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