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Grievance Redressal Cell

ST PAULS COLLEGE, Bengaluru has established a Grievance Redressal Committee under the direct supervision of the Principal and other nominated members.


  • To inculcate an accountable and responsive attitude among all the stakeholders in order to ensure a harmonious educational atmosphere in the college
  • To redress grievances reported by the students of the college and thereby uphold the dignity of the college
  • To ensure a strife free atmosphere in the campus through promotion of cordial student-teacher and student-student relationship
  • To address complaints regarding harassment of any kind
  • To redress academic grievances

Rules and Regulations:

  • Complaints should either be sent to the official email id or be dropped in the suggestion box.
  • The merits of the complaints lodged by students will be thoroughly evaluated.
  • Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the members in person.
  • Any act that prevents or disrupts the regular academic activity will be taken seriously.

Coordinator Details
Mr Jagadish
[email protected]

Write To Us

We understand that grievances can arise from time to time and we are committed to addressing them in a professional and discreet manner. Your grievances will be handled by an experienced person who will ensure that your concerns are taken seriously and that a resolution is reached in a timely manner. Rest assured that your privacy is of utmost importance to us and we will handle your matter with the highest level of confidentiality. Our goal is to ensure that every student has a positive experience, and we would like to do better by solving any issues that may arise. Please use this form to report any grievances you may have, and we will work diligently to address them.

Are you a student of ST PAULS COLLEGE?(Required)

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