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Post Graduate Department of Journalism & Mass Communication

Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication program in ST PAULS COLLEGE not only focuses on journalism across all media, but also backs it up with modules on the design of the newspaper, advertising, writing skills, video production, photography and corporate communication, and thus opens up several career pathways to the students. These modules on journalism rest on a strong foundation of contemporary history, polity, social sciences, environment, computer science and research. Our state-of-the-art media lab and studio offers excellent facilities for developing practical media skills, so critical to a student’s future career.

The program in mass communication has a multi-faceted approach towards different media subjects. Students will have opportunities to present and publish research papers in seminars and conferences and the possibility to participate in debates and talk shows in media houses on various topics. The degree will open the doors to numerous careers in all sorts of media and industries like advertising, public relations, marketing, and in areas such as health care, politics, gaming, and entertainment.


To set world standards in the field of journalism and communication to build a knowledge-driven society characterized by human and social values.


  • To promote new ideas, creativity and research in the field media
  • To improve and strengthen media literacy among students
  • To prepare students to be ready for a media industry

Job Opportunities

Journalist, Editorial Assistant, Content Writers, Editor, Proof Reader, Web Content Manager, Copywriter, Multimedia Specialist, Public Relations Officer, Translator, Lecturer, Script Writer, Screenwriter, Advertiser, Lawyer, Researcher, Scholar, Public Relations Officer, etc.

Program Highlights

  • PAPYRUS: Intra Departmental PG and UG Media Fest
  • DAILY CHRONICLE: In-house Daily Newsletter
  • IKANOS: Intra Departmental Humanities & Science Fest (UG & PG)
  • HUMANZA: Inter Collegiate Humanities & Science Fest
  • MUGSHOT: National Level Photography Exhibition
  • BONSAI: National Level Short Film Festival
  • LENCA: Monthly coffee table book photo magazine
  • ST PAULS TV: In-house Television channel for practical learning
  • TATTVA MANDALA – Where thought and wisdom converge
  • MEDIA BASH – PU/12th Media Fest and Panel Discussion
  • National/International Conferences
  • Industry Visits and Mandatory Internships
  • Creative And Enriching Outreach Activities
  • Interaction with authors, poets, psychologists, journalists and industry experts
  • Coaching For Competitive Exams
  • Regular workshops, seminars, conferences and guest talks
  • Advanced Edit Lab and Media Lab
  • Research Assistance, Paper Presentations, Fests, etc.
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